Manticore Software

Privacy Policy for Beekeepings by Manticore Software

Last Updated: 30/1/2024

Beekeepings is a product of Manticore Software. We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your information. This Privacy Policy explains how we handle and protect the data you record in Beekeepings.

1. Information Collection and Use

Beekeepings is an application designed for beekeepers to record and manage notes, images, and tasks/reminders about their beehives. Users may enter personal data such as:

  • Text notes about beekeeping activities
  • Photographs related to beekeeping
  • Tasks and reminders for beekeeping management

This data is stored on your device and synced with your iCloud account to enable data backup and synchronization across your devices. Manticore Software does not collect, access, or store any of this data.

2. Data Storage and Security

Your data is stored and managed through your iCloud account, ensuring that it is encrypted during transfer and when stored on iCloud servers. Manticore Software does not have access to your iCloud account or your data within it.

3. Data Sharing and Disclosure

Manticore Software does not share, sell, or disclose your personal information to third parties. Your data within Beekeepings is solely for your use and is governed by Apple’s iCloud and Privacy Policies.

4. Changes to This Privacy Policy

Manticore Software reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. Please review it periodically for any changes. Changes will take effect immediately upon their posting on our website.

5. Contact Us

For any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or your data security, please contact us at